Monday, May 14, 2007

Entering Dialogues Again

I have been browsing around yesterday and came across an Iranian board in English. The board is geared pretty much towards Iran's defense/military issues. Having read through a few threads, I couldn't help myself and had to sign up and join in the discussions. Well, as can be expected, I think I have close to 20 posts under my wings in under 24 hours :p

An interesting mix of people on that board, and an interesting mix of views. One thing that I found fascinating is something I already noted about before. Reading through people's perceptions of their country's perspective security issues, we are all so self-focused in the end. Looks like everyone feels they are surrounded by enemies - well and maybe they are. Everyone in this region seems to fear their neighbors.

Growing up in "Zionist" Israel the motto for us was "Israel is a small land surrounded by enemies". No one really discussed how these "enemies" see the world around them, but we had just always assumed that these enemies were all united, since they apparently had a common goal (destroying us, of course!) It is rather surprising to see that our "enemies" are far from being united. Not only do they have their own quarrels among themselves, it does seem to be like destroying us isn't always their top priority after all!

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